In the past: "Alright, have the day off, so can do some serious work (work on my game project). Let me just check my mail first... And a cpl of sub-reddits... And see if there are any updates for Unit3D, or any interesting forum posts, or new assets on asset store that look nice... And check some online newspapers just to see if anything is going on... And check if anything new has been posted on slashdot since I last checked 5 minutes ago (nope)... And maybe see if there's any updates to Sublime Text or new useful packages that can help improve workflow... Ooh came across article on how to improve workflow... Hm someone mentioned a new task-management system in comments, gotta check that out... I'll just sign up for a demo-account and... Hm but what if there are any better ones? Better google for comparisons. Wait, isn't there a new episode of Silicon Valley today? Gotta see that first, no time tmr. Hmm also new episode of Archer, and American Gods. Better get watching these out of the way first, or I can't concentrate... Ah, wait, it's dinner time, no point starting anything until after that."

Now: All of the above, plus "I'll just check devRant real quick before I... hmm... interesting rant... *scrolls and reads rants and comments for 3 hours*"

How am I supposed to get any work done? :_(

  • 5
    The pomodoro technique - focus on your work for 1 hour, give yourself a break of max 25mins, in which u do something completely different, then focus back on the work on hand, that way for 12 hrs of work you get you get also around 6 hrs of other off the work also - assuming you are awake for 18 hrs
  • 1
    @sam9669 thanks for the suggestion, I will add looking up that technique to the end of my list of stuff to check tmr... ^^;
  • 0
    Pomodoro technique works wonders for me, I had the same problem. It becomes such a great incentivizer, I found myself skipping the breaks sometimes because I was finally in the code zone.

    I found some free app in the Mac App Store to manage the time/breaks.
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