
Boss: Oh can you add this feature?
Me: I added that function already and you said to take it out.
Boss: Can't you just copy and paste it from an earlier version?
Me: No its really not that simple, I removed a bunch of tables and went to town cleaning the code so it's super quick and "sexy fast" as you put it.
I go home, work all night and forget to eat.
Boss: Actually just hold back on that, I'm having second thoughts.

When a project seems to be in an endless for (fucks sake) loop.

  • 14
    I feel you.
    Where I work it is usually like that, in the form of

    "Why there is no feature X??"
    "There was, but you told me to remove it..."
    "I never said anything like that, put it right back! It was there so it should be a 2 minute work!"
  • 4
    The importance of establishing an agreed upon set of specifications and a delivery roadmap. Make them go through a form of change control for any changes to the roadmap or specifications. (though, I'm always first to open my mouth and go "yeah, that'd be a good idea" and do it anyway :( )
  • 2
  • 0
    Do you not have a PO to protect you from douchebags like that?
  • 1
    Stare him dead in the eyes until he apologizes
  • 0
    That was my case in my old job, was able to hold on for two years then I just resigned due to that non endless shit loop and the fact boss thinks he is a heaven sent manager to make this company the next Apple + Microsoft + Google combined 😒
  • 0
    Umm... Version control kind sir ?
  • 0
    @GigaMick In many companies, that douchebag IS the product owner. Someone heard someone say "scrum all the things!" — so they send a manager on a two day course at a golf club, they implement the parts they like and ignore the parts which are good for devs.
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