Fuck SAP. May they receive their punishment in the circle of hell they deserve.

  • 4
    You too, huh?
  • 6
    SAP. Suffering And Pain.
  • 5
    SAP. Solicited Ass Penetration
  • 6
    SAP. Sucks All Profits
  • 6
    Ironically, the 10th level of hell involves using SAP.
  • 2
    i used to do that stuff, till i realized i wasn't a psycopath

    though the money is definitely there to impress the clowns if you know what you are doing
  • 5
    Now that's a fuckin mood right there. Upgraded some servers to Windows Server 2019 recently, and we were getting some obscure uncaught exception when running reports in our product, but only on the servers that were upgraded.

    Bunch of troubleshooting, comparing runtimes of everything but the kitchen sink between working and non-working environments... Ya know what it was?

    A god damn MISSING FONT.
  • 0
    You can't do anything better because you're a shit shitter in other people's threads.)
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