Shouldn't be necessary if you just write understandable code xD..... Some people just write stories in between 2 lines of code....

  • 6
    Understanding what code does is not the problem: https://dev.to/andreasklinger/...
  • 1
    Don't get me wrong man...... I use comments myself..... But I've seen comments as big as short stories and that got to me :P @SoulSkrix
  • 1
    This does really help..... Thanks a ton :D @Frederikam
  • 5
    You don't need to write comments.... if you don't have any code to comment
  • 0
  • 1
    I don't write comments... I write documentation in markdown files explaining what the system does and how it works on a higher level.

    Only exception is dirty hacks, in which case I'll leave a comment explaining why it's there and reference related issues.

    When you have hundreds of source files, comments are pretty uselles IMO...
  • 3
    The rule of thumb is, if a fellow programmer is able to figure out what your code does faster than he would reading a discription about it, then leave the comment out. Otherwise comment laconically. If your code is complex though, comment thoroughly.
  • 0
    "You don't need to write comments.... If you don't write codes" ;)
  • 0
    Poor advice. Try reading your own 1000 line code after a few months.
  • 2
    @cyberlord64 That is a very good way of explaining it. I'll have to remember that. Kudos!
  • 0
    Implying it's understandable also for others
  • 0
    I feel it's dependent upon how complex the code is, and if you're sharing the source or not. Sometimes leaving comments is a courtesy to others. I use comments a lot, however, I'm new to programming. Maybe with some more experience I'll feel differently, but right now comments are invaluable.
  • 1
    They're always invaluable. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.
  • 0
    I think understanding the codes is essential.
  • 0
    While good code should be self-documenting to a certain extent, comments can provide additional context that can't be easily gleaned from the code itself.

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