
I have nothing else to say

  • 4
    i absolutely agree, that AI can't draw Hands.

    But i feel, that AI generated Art is currently getting hate, it really doesn't deserve.
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    @thebiochemic I think those hands are perfect for this image.
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    Ai can't draw people well period
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    @AvatarOfKaine dall-e is good with stylized faces
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    @AvatarOfKaine i have seen enough perfectly well drawn people by AI, that i can confidently tell you, that you're incorrect, Period.
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    @thebiochemic dalle isn't one of them and yes I have notes gans that design unique people supposedly so I believe I am wrong here.

    Wonder and dalle are terrible though
    And likely general ai art programs likely share these issues.

    But yes I have seen gans that specifically work with making FACES.

    I feel given the frauds I've seen that an offline demo is in order.

    Is really like some instruction in designing adversarial networks among us other learning networks
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    Nice post. You might have nothing else to say right now but it would be interesting to see what you will have to say after AI take your job away from you
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    @hinst see and that is the whole problem with our thinking in general

    Fucking people say nothing matters as an excuse to rob people of sentimental items when they could just leave said people alone

    If you remove labor demand the market is much easier to work out
    Noone wants to think like that because they spent the last 80+ years breeding ruined psychos they have to keep busy saying nothing matters and stealing people's things so they can get trapped in a loop that eventually never changes
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    @AvatarOfKaine when i run my stable diffusion install on my machine, it works great. And some of my friends run anime trained models, who have in fact amazing results.
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    @thebiochemic lately I've become more of a see to believe guy since sometimes they pipe custom results into things
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    @AvatarOfKaine i guess that's fair enough, if you want to i can post some results me and others have made here
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