Am I the only one here with no girlfriend because of computers?

  • 4
    You are for sure not the only one. I am always on the brink of loosing my girlfriend because of computers :D
  • 7
    I don't even have a girlfriend! 🍺
  • 3
    @elonmusk who does 😂👌
  • 9
    @nighthacker Ha! Not me! Who needs them anyway?!

    *Slowly dieing inside*.
  • 2
    @drRoss nailed it aahhhah
  • 7
    Computers are easier to understand!!!
  • 3
    @RickDiculous179 at least computers do the things you tell them to do ;)
  • 0
    Yeah, sure. It's cos of the computers... 😏

    *just messing*
  • 3
  • 2
    $ man girlfriend
    no menu entry for girlfriend
    (I think I should start creating manpage to remind my self about this topic 😂)
  • 6
    It's a simple question: What do you want more, code 24/7 or have a nice relationship and code a bit less?
    If you WANT a girlfriend, you will find one (if you try to be social). If you NEED a girlfriend, you're probably not ready. If you feel to be friendzoned go away and keep your distance, it will never ever become more than friendzone. ;)
  • 4
    @qbasic16 wow! Very inspirational 😛
  • 7
    Me too, I don't have a girlfriend because of Computers, coding and my wife...!
  • 2
    @Biggy haha that's a good one! :D
  • 1
    I've given up on this girlfriend part long back 😢
  • 3
    @qbasic16 I had a friend that I fell in love with, but I thought she friendzoned me. So I just did other stuff etc and last year she told me that she was in love with me for the whole time(4 years), she was just afraid to tell me because she didn't want me to leave her. Such strange species these women.
  • 2
    @darxor Are you banging her now then or..?
  • 1
    @darxor interesting... I think this is one of the less common situations. Maybe she made it a bit too hard for you to recognize :/
  • 0
    Nope sure will loose my gf because of it...
  • 1
    @thegamblerises aww dont give up! Youll find one when you least expect it
  • 1
    @qbasic16 @drRoss I'm not, it was a couple of days before she left to study in Scotland (I am from Slovakia) and I have not seen her since then. Well maybe in the future, who knows. And she was the first to fall in love with me, almost everyone has seen it. So I was like hmm okay, she is really pretty, nice and wants me - let's fall in love with her, too. And then she did not reciprocate my feelings and I felt confused af :D just strange. but idc now, I feel fine - maybe that's what was meant to be.
  • 0
    @purple-engineer hehe. Ok then if you say so. But seriously, all I do is code, work, take a break, go out, see girls, reject yourself in your own mind, come back and starting working again.
  • 1
    Girls are like Exceptions. You must try to catch them. awww
  • 2
    @edwrodrig haha! I see what you did there!
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