Ever wondered how Elon himself talked about not messing with AI in the past. I vaugely remember this was when there was a clash between Mark and Elon. And now Elon's companies OpenAI and Neuralink working on advanced tech. The same tech he told everyone to not mess with.

I haven't followed the trail of events clearly. But now this thought comes to my mind.

Anyone thinks the same? Or am I missing something?

  • 3
    Makes sense. Tell everybody to keep their hands off the tech he's working on - prevent competition from being created
  • 4
    Elon doesn't own OpenAI nor is he on it's board anymore.
  • 1
    It's worth not listening what they say.
  • 3
    Why do you put any value in what he say?
    He has said bullshit claims after bullshit claims for a decade
  • 1
    Neural link is intended to give us an edge, make us better so we can compete.

    On the other hand, a real super AI could probably hack us :P
  • 0

    But it wont
  • 0
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    @Linux do you mean neural link or the AI : P
  • 0
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    @Linux well I don’t know, when it comes to solving tech problems Musk have been quite successful, its when he tries to work with people problems he have problems ;)
  • 2

    He is successful if he stays out of things. It is absolutely OK to fund and invest in companies, but when he interferes with how the company should be run - it turns into fiasko

    Look and Tesla and solarcity, the Tesla Semi and the robot with 20 year old tech

    Look at this hoperloop crap
    Look at the bullshit claims about SpaceX and mars
    Look at the bullshit claims about neurallink
  • 0
    @Linux and still, spaceX out performs all competition at the moment and made reusable rockets a thing, and as far as I have read, Must is very much hands on
  • 0

    Thanks to the former Boeing, NASA and ULA engineers that has started working there.

    And regarding SpaceX
    According to Elon, they should have landed on Mars in 2018...
  • 0
    @Linux His time estimate are famously optimistic but he was the driving force and when there was problems with the raptor 2 production he was sleeping in the office until they solved it.

    Now, that apparently makes him a pain as boss and i would not want to work for him :)

    But yes, he is overly optimistic and set goals that can seem impossible, but he did become the richest man on earth, so he cannot be completely clueless ;)

    Then neural link is a long shot where he bets on that the brain will e able to “learn” to use it.
  • 2

    Why are you excusing a behavior like that? You know that the false and "over optimistic" promises is just in order to pump the stock?

    The world would be a better place if he just shut up.
  • 1
    @Linux or his Empire collapses and die.
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