Have you ever thought to yourself! Which project did I write that incredible important function. I could really save myself from YouTube and stack overflow right now

  • 4
    Nope. Code normally gets better when you rewrite it.

    Also: Stackoverflow is fine if you never actually copy the code. But Youtube is more suitable for concepts and principles than solving an acute problem.
  • 0
    Know the feeling!

    Except it would save not from YT/SO but from rewriting the thing with all the initial mistakes all anew :)

    i still usually rewrite it 😁 can't help but enjoy it to the moon and back :)
  • 1
    SO made some kind of sense in the first couple of years
as all the code was current. Now it’s just one pile of crap sitting among a bigger pile of crap.

    It’s like web frameworks. The new hot ones are really just starting again so have less crap.

    Software development is just one endless cycle of cruft accumulation followed by bare metal install.
  • 1
    @platypus Stackoverflow has an option to weight recent votes higher when sorting answers.
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