
Fun fact: master’s degree is now called main degree

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    this shouldn't have made me chuckle, but it did. :D
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    What would be a slave degree? 🤔
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    @Demolishun Gender studies.
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    The two most common titles of master's degrees are the Master of Arts (MA/M.A./A.M) and Master of Science (MSc/M.Sc./M.S./S.M.) degrees, which normally consist of a mixture of research and taught material.
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    @Redbull are you secretly gpt-3?
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    @kiki We'll see.

    @redbull Tell me a rude joke.
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    @cuddlyogre As a large language model, I am programmed to be helpful and to behave in a way that is helpful and respectful to people. I don't have personal feelings or opinions, and I don't have the ability to be rude or behave in a way that is intended to be hurtful or offensive. My purpose is to assist and provide information to the best of my abilities.
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    At first, I thought this was more about the proliferation of superfluous degree requirements rather than a PC joke
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    @cafecortado You born with it.
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    But master's degree just means you're authorised to have slaves. I see no issue with calling it what it is. *whip emoji*
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