
For Fuck's sake never name your variables $a $b or $c. What the fuck I thought that's like the first thing they teach in whichever bush you learnt how to code at!!!!!!

  • 10
    for($ihadtonamethisalittlelongerbecausejustusingtheletteriisnotlongenough = 0; $ihadtonamethisalittlelongerbecausejustusingtheletteriisnotlongenough < 10; $ihadtonamethisalittlelongerbecausejustusingtheletteriisnotlongenough++){}

  • 1
    @linuxxx I would rather you do that. When reading code I keep a mental note of what is happening and if I have to do substitution, while still trying to figure out why you didn't use an inbuilt function, is just too much for me
  • 0
    Someone from my project created a table named someTable. Wahaha
  • 1
    Invective! Verb your adjective nouns!
  • 0
    @tobbr it was a count of items returned by a db query
  • 1
    I just had to code the equations for guessing a triangle height based on its sides, and I named them: a, b and c. Not sideA nor triangleSideA, etc., no: a, b, c!
  • 0
    I agree! $x, $y, $z for the win!
  • 0
    Are you sure you are not reading some minified and obfuscated code? That might be done on purpose so other people can't steal your code.
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