Okay, this has to be said.

I am sick and tired of YouTube web devs who went to bootcamp, developed software for around 1 year, quit… then tell everybody what it’s like to be a “programmer.”

To top it off they become “developer advocates.”

Stop misleading people with your clickbait!

  • 1
    "Advocate", read as: they couldnt hack it so they became a histrionic busy body.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack Yep, I see these “advocates” and their TikTok-like videos on the latest tool. It’s kinda weird.
  • 3
    Just downvote the crap and enjoy the good videos about actual computer science.
  • 3
    @Oktokolo Good call! But I’m sure the folks looking to get into this industry to earn $300k after a two-week bootcamp will cancel my efforts.

    It’s why these content clowns do it.
  • 2
    @BinaryRage Yeah, maybe. But you won't get that crap recommended anymore. And that should matter most.
  • 3
    I am a YouTube web dev and I totally agree.

    I spent 5+ years with Laravel and Shopify and only then decided that I have enough experience to put out videos for everyone to see.
  • 0
    @fruitfcker I find Joma amusing I have to admit, and as for Tech Lead - this guy clear is spewing a ton of bs that he makes sound totally legit to the uninitiated. He does leave me in tears of laughter.

    Will check out your other suggestions.
  • 1
    @bigmonsterlover “will ChatGPT take your job?”, “this is my dev setup”, “top languages to learn in <insert year>”…

    It truly is nauseating as you say.
  • 2
    @BinaryRage “content clowns” - Love it!
  • 1
    @BinaryRage "this guy clear is spewing a ton of bs that he makes sound totally legit to the uninitiated"

    how do you know me so well!?
  • 1
    @Wisecrack let’s just say I’m a cleric haha
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    @BinaryRage Rolle D20 and GTFO. It's all chaotic neutral up in DevRant.
  • 2
    @Sid2006 good, glad you did the time before posting on YouTube as opposed to some of these idiot “I built a todo app in React, that makes me a senior!”
  • 3
    Course epidemic is getting out of hand
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