
Why everyone who decide to try Linux installs Ubuntu? I don't find it useful friendly at all. And adding a repo every app is daunting. And on top of that on their official site there isn't a single mention of Linux. And yeah, Canonical make money off your data.

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    Because it's their choice? Don't be a debbie downer. You use Linux? Cool. Good for you
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    Because is the most recommended distribution that they heard of?
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    Not sure about the making money off your data part. If you are referring to the Amazon stuff that has been disabled by default for a long time now.
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    @Jop- Manjaro, OpenSUSE are they bad?
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    @kpenc no but Ubuntu has a vast and supportive community. Also some software for instance Spotify only has install instructions for debian based distros on their site. Also unity is very usable out of the box compared to gnome unless openSUSE or Manjaro add alot for extensions(by my memory openSUSE was plain gnome I haven't tried Manjaro).
  • 1
    @eksdee4 Manjaro has the AUR. And I just installed Spotify, no need of instructions at all. :D It just works.
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    @kpenc I'm getting the feeling you aren't new to Linux.
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    @eksdee4 Noo I am not. 2 years already and loving it.
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    @kpenc so saying you can do something easily is not the same as a beginner find it easy.
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    @eksdee4 i am thinking of myself as a beginner. There are a lot of things I don't know.
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    @kpenc it says something about Linux that two years experience counts as beginner.
  • 6
    @ScribeOfGoD This rant is not aimed at Linux in general but at Ubuntu. True that its their choice but you can still wonder, can't you?

    Anyways, good one. I find unity pretty hard to work with myself (use cinnamon) so yeah i agree with your question.
    Anyways, use whatever suits you.
  • 3
    @Jop- Not anymore. It used to do it though.
  • 2
    Ubuntu had a lot of publicity, usually is the only distro non-it people know about, so that's why, and if you are non-it you are most like to use what is presented to u.
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    @Jop- Yeah but canonical got money for that i thought?
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    Well I'd call that software anyways but that's just my opinion. Thanks for the info!
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    @Jop- Let me dive into this more. But one thing though, although some back doors are not intended to be backdoors, they can still be!
  • 3
    @Jop- Nope that is not true. A backdoor is a (deliberate or not) vulnerability or function that can let an attacker in. It doesn't matter if it's deliberate or not :). It both falls under the backdoor category. :)
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    @linuxxx so is any security flaw a backdoor by that definition?
  • 3
    @eksdee4 Nope. But a security flaw that can give an attacker remote control or remote command execution control is :)
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    @linuxxx so the dash thing was just one of probably many is a category of security flaws
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    @eksdee4 you mean rue Ubuntu canonical Amazon ad thingy?
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  • 3
    @eksdee4 By default no but if it would have vulnerabilities which would allow access or command execution to an attacker then yes but by accident
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