
OK y'all. I'm learning Rust.

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    yet another Hello World sample program in works
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    println!("hello world");


    hello world!


    where does that excl point come from
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    It is a macro
  • 7
    https://tourofrust.com/ – friends, this is dope
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    @illuminaughty I don’t have a reason either but everyone seems to love it who uses it and fomo
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    @tw001 yes, TourOfRust is legit. Rust makes for a great CLI tool across platforms. It’s awesome when performance is top priority too. For most uses though, I find the learning curve too steep and the cost to find talent that knows it also expensive.

    Which means, you’ll probably make a nice salary when you know it.
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    I just want old stuff C/C++ and Java to die ASAP. My delusion is by learning Rust I will contribute to their slow demise.
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    One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us!
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    @kiki I don't actually know why.
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    Now I'm in chapter 7 of Tour of Rust. Three chapters to go.
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    Learning is key
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