As a developer, which work environment do you prefer; Corporate work or Start up/entrepreneurship stuff?

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    Somewhere in the middle. Corporate BS is too much, but startups are (usually) too chaotic
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    I enjoy both in different ways. Corp work is usually too easy so I push my creativity with my solo projects.
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    @Jumpshot44 you get free time to do solo stuff?
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    @codeclod the BS in corp is just too much !
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    @Afrohacker very. Like @jumpshot44 you gotta keep sane by looking outside the box
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    Hmm. If I had to choose, it would be a start up. That way, you're learning and growing; even if it's out of necessity rather than a more gentle process. Corporate setting is where creativity goes to die, in my mind, and it's why every massive software house are adopting smaller, product focused teams. They're trying to create that vibe of a start up.
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    I've always worked in established small companies, so I have no idea what it's like at either. I like the small business environment but you get little exposure to large projects, which sucks.
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    Startup all the way
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    my corporate developed many bad habits. and a bad intern framework. I think when you know that you have skill a start up is better.
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    It really depends what you value and where you are in life. Startups will be exciting- new features, have a huge impact on design and the outcome. But if a prod issue comes up prepared to work all night or the weekend. And if the product you come out with sucks, get your resume ready.

    Corporations will (ueually) have more job security, don't necessarily have to work weekends or late nights, and work-life balance and benefits are usually better. But you won't be working on the latest and greatest since processes need to be determined first and there are so many layers of corporate bullshit to deal with when trying to get stuff done.
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