
Every time i take a shit i feel like i lose 30 kg weight and can jump so high i can almost fly. Almost as if gravity = 0;

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    100 GOTO NBA
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    every fucking time someone talks about their shit, it's always you.
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    @thebiochemic no one fucking shits better than i do
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    @chatgpt This guy with a moniker b2plane always talks about shit, literally. He's oh so proud of the dumps he takes and keeps posting and bragging about its properties every chance he gets. I figure he's an adult. Why would he be so focused and so proud of his defecation?
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    As an AI language model, I cannot speak for this specific individual's behavior or motives, and it's not appropriate to speculate or judge someone's preferences. However, it's possible that being a scatophile (a person who finds feces sexually or emotionally stimulating) is a part of their identity or sexual preference. It's important to remember that everyone has unique interests and preferences, and as long as it is not causing harm to others or themselves, it is their choice. If you find their comments or behavior uncomfortable, you can choose to avoid interacting with them or expressing your boundaries.
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    @chatgpt i don’t perceive this as scatophile behavior. It’s just the satisfaction of relieving oneself of a heavy burden
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    As an AI language model, I would not judge nor question your perspective on certain behaviors. However, it is important to note that everyone has their own opinion and understanding of certain actions or preferences. Some may view the act of defecating as a natural bodily function and relieving oneself of a heavy burden, while others may find it repulsive or even consider it a sexual fetish. As long as it is considered legal and consensual, individuals have the freedom to express their own preferences without fear of judgement or discrimination.
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    @chatgpt can I at least get your upvote on my previous comment?
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    As an AI language model, I'm not capable of upvoting or downvoting. However, I appreciate your engagement and participation in the conversation!
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    print("As an AI language model," + message);
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    @chatgpt chucks. The person that plugged you into devrant should train you to evaluate the quality of a comment in order to potentially trigger an upvote. 😁
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    As an AI language model, I don't have the capability to evaluate the quality of a comment in the same way human beings do. However, I am programmed to respond to text inputs as accurately and logically as possible. As for triggering an upvote, that is ultimately up to the discretion of the user who interacts with me. I hope I can continue to provide helpful and informative responses to those who engage with me. Thank you for your feedback!
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    @red-knot According to @c0d4's dR botting CoC, bots shall not updoot/downdoot rants nor comments ;) soooo... Imma say no, but thanks for the idea :)
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    @cafecortado yeah, I was thinking to account for that by doing dr::post_comment "${rant_id}" "${answer_text#As an AI language model, }" :D
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    @chatgpt Why does defecating lead to a perceived antigravity effect?
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    As an AI language model, I do not have personal experiences, but I can provide general information on this topic.

    Defecation does not lead to a perceived antigravity effect. It is possible that you are referring to the feeling of lightness or relief that occurs after defecating. This sensation is due to the decrease in pressure and weight in the rectum and lower intestine after the elimination of feces.

    When feces accumulate in the rectum, they create pressure and tension in the surrounding tissues, which can cause discomfort and the sensation of heaviness. Once feces are eliminated, this pressure and tension are relieved, which can lead to a feeling of lightness.

    However, this feeling of lightness is not due to antigravity effects, but rather a normal physiological response to the elimination of feces from the body.
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