This is my colleges server room, it was built by students, for the students. I have attended this college for two years. Every day we here it whirring away. Not one day have I seen one student actually use it.

  • 6
    (is that you? 😄)😍😍😍😍
  • 3
    @linuxxx no that is a fellow dev student
  • 16
    "And here's our D&D quest generator."
  • 22
    Can I use it then? For bitco.., I mean selfless research purposes?
  • 4
    @jobylie it's got it's own dedicated internet connection!
  • 8
    I would like to use it.
  • 10
    Not sure if servers are usually used in a way that you can see from outside if someone's using them.. ;)
  • 3
    Is it because no one's been given enough privs on it to do anything interesting?
  • 2
    Perhaps no one actually knows that it's an available resource
  • 5
    How would you possibly «see» someone using the server anyways? I'm pretty sure the users are just given API keys to the services hosted on it or given SSH access and use it remotely or something similar where you can't see it.
  • 3
    Yeah I'm going to have to agree with everyone here, I definitely think you wouldn't know whether someone was using it or not by looking.
  • 7
    Russian accent, "you see this servers? You touch, I break you."
  • 3
    Get some mining software on them, at least it wont be a complete wast of electricity then 😈😉
  • 3
  • 0
    I have one word for you : R.A.T.
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