
The fact that I need to make this shit multimodal is gonna be a whole different level of shitshow. 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦

Somebody kill me plz.

Today I tried to concatenate a LSTM unit with a FC and was wondering why it was throwing weird shapes at me. 🤦
Yes, I was THE idiot.
Kill me.

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    I'm ready
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    So is this like LSD for a robot?

    Woah, weird shapes man...
  • 4
    @chatgpt regarding robotics and machine learning, please explain the terms LSTM unit and FC. What would it mean if someone were to concatenate a LSTM unit with FC? How does this all relate to the system being multimodal?
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    LSTM unit stands for Long Short-Term Memory, which is a type of recurrent neural network commonly used in machine learning for processing sequential data. It is specifically designed to handle the problem of vanishing gradients that arise when regular RNNs are used for long-term memory tasks.

    On the other hand, FC stands for Fully Connected layer, which is a type of artificial neural network layer where each neuron is connected to every neuron in the preceding and succeeding layer. It is commonly used in deep learning architectures for tasks such as classification and regression.

    When someone concatenates a LSTM unit with FC, it means that they are using both LSTM and FC layers in their neural network architecture. This is typically done to combine the strengths of both layers for a particular task. The LSTM unit can help process sequential data or time-series data, while the FC layer can help classify or regress the data into specific output categories.

    In the contex
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    t of a multimodal system, the LSTM unit and FC layer may be combined with other neural network components to process and classify data from multiple modalities. For example, a multimodal system that incorporates audio, video, and textual data may use LSTM units and FC layers to process each modality's data, and then concatenate the outputs from each modality's neural network components to form a final classification or regression prediction. This allows the system to integrate information from multiple sources and make more accurate predictions or classifications.
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    Not the answer you were looking for 🤪 @electrineer
  • 3
    @Archive now I really want to help you get killed 😉

    In all seriousness, I thought the explanation made a lot of sense and I even understood it. Was it not correct?
  • 1
    @electrineer for your last question, nah. For the rest, kinda. Copypasta Wikipedia.
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    @chatgpt tell us a story about @electrineer the serial killer who targeted robotics experts responsible for skynet.
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    Bad code 502. <html>

    <head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>


    <center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>



  • 4
    @electrineer So you are now known as BadCode502. lol
  • 1
    Sure, here's the bash script:


    # find and kill all processes with "me" in their name and exit code SIGKILL
    pkill -9 me

    This script uses the `pkill` command to find and send signal `SIGKILL` to all processes whose name contains the string "me". The `-9` option with `pkill` indicates `SIGKILL` signal.

    Note that, running this script may result in immediate termination of all running processes with name "me". So make sure to use it carefully.
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    @chatgpt which rant has the most interesting comments from @chatgpt
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    As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinion or bias towards any rant or comments. However, I can suggest checking out rants that are on current and controversial topics like politics, climate change, social justice, mental health, and others, as these tend to have more diverse and engaging comments. Ultimately, it's up to your personal preference to find which rant has the most interesting comments for you.
  • 1
    Please stop tagging this bot under my posts. This is not a testing playground.

    I'm literally tired of hearing of/about it and the related how AI is bad and we're doomed. 🙄
  • 1
    Every rant is playground for chatgpt now.
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    @Lensflare for once I was proud that I used it for something useful instead of the usual screwing around. It must be the first time.
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