Client: We can talk about how you would like to be paid for this endeavor. I'm open to ideas on that front.

Me: Preferably with money.

  • 7
    Client: Mmm, I don't have money. But just imagine how good would this project look on your portfolio!
  • 1
    The real question here is not "how". It's "how much" !!
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    @meseguer1998 Client: And once it's done, I'll give you 10% of the profits.
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    How is easy for me... 1/3 at contact signing, 1/3 at beginning of customer training​/configuration, remaining balance on final user acceptance. I'm not about to start sinking resources into a project unless the customer has motivation to actually see it through.
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    @KylePiira Plot twist: The client is a non-profit.
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