My blood test report came. Both vitamin b12 and vitamin d3 alarmingly low!
How do you keep your health working from 9-6 as a programmer?

  • 8
    Commenting because I'd like to know that! I do sport every other day (jogging) and eat healthy regularly and drink loads of water!
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    Eat more meat, and try to get some direct sunlight.
  • 6
    @magicMirror Uhm and what if you're a vegetarian? πŸ˜“
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    @Charon92 Think so hmmm...
  • 5
    @Charon92 Dairy is stuff like milk right? (my English is good but i keep forgetting that)
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    @linuxxx the lots of nuts, and pills.
    b12 is water soluble, so make sure to drink something when you take it.
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    Vitamine pills.
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    I have been using Jake Shakes. They give you like 33% of everything you need. I use them for breakfast and lunch and sometimes when I'm really busy even as dinner.

    Extra bonus, when you get everything you need you have a lot more energy :) and can do even more work. Or have energy left for fun stuff.
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    Might be tough to find the time if you have kids, but find an outside hobby like jogging, fishing or golfing.
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    For vitamins-
    Have meat and alike stuffs, they are good for vitamins and for vegetarian people, dairy products like cheese and raw milk is recommended. @linuxxx
    And for the question of overall health, I prefer walking half of the distance to office both the times. Have frequent breaks during work, drink water, eat healthy food and avoid junk foods. Also, it's very important to maintain a good posture while working.
    PS- If you can, take a short nap during work.πŸ˜‚ It's good for mind.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…
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    @BrainOnHorses Damn. In comparison to you I am not a healthy person πŸ˜“
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    You can get B12 sublingual tablets. They really do help, my blood tests came back much better after just 6 weeks on them.

    And sunlight. Developers are an indoor species but getting about 15 minutes of direct sunlight a day will help immensely. Go for a walk once a day outside and you gain not only vitamin D but also a bit of exercise and chance to de-stress and think creatively.
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    So what you are saying is that coffee and noodles is not a good staple diet?
  • 8
    When I read that kind of rant , I realize that I don't do anything healthy xD
    I barely , eat anything other than noodles and drink only energy drinks
    And I'm underweight
    Oh and I never go out
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    Dev here. Eating healthy and supplementing vitamin D3 and K2 (which is needed to process the d3)
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    @cr78 Good advice but I don't think that 'dev here' is necessary on hereπŸ˜†
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    @Charon92 deez nuts!


    On topic though, I haven't done a blood test in a while but it's probably pretty messed up. I do spend some time outside though when I need to walk my dogs, but we don't get much sun here
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    The best solution i found is a good jog , diverse diet (meat and vegetables) and a healthy social life
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    Health? lol

    I make good money, and have great life insurance. My family will be well provided for. πŸ˜‚
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    You can buy B12 supplements and take them a couple of times a week to top up. Even if you eat meat it doesn't guarantee you'll get enough B12, as B12 comes from bacteria in soil, and the soil livestock are raised on isn't as good quality these days :/
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    I also have extremely low Vitamin D levels. It caused anxiety and digestion problems. I got drops from my doctor that I have to take for 4 months. Now everything is getting better.
  • 2
    Good comments there. But missed a very important thing that is sleep.

    I know we guys hate sleeping but trust me, sleeping enough has it's own advantages. Our body recovers, detoxify and gets ready to take on the world for next day.

    So overall, if possible get up early. Play a sport, outdoor would be great. Indoor sport like badminton, squash or gym is fine. Walk or cycle short distances between places. Drink water. Eat veggies along with your preferred meal. Take breaks throughout the day and roam in office. Sleep enough.

    Vitamin B is water soluble, so taking it's supplement daily won't harm much. Your body can throw out it. For vitamin D, consult doctors.
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    Almost everyone lacks vit d and b12, especially in the northern hemisphere. Eat tablets, it's okay.
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    A berocca every morning for your b12 and some time in the sun for vit D.
  • 4
    B12 is amazing, but it's got nothing on D.
    Seriously, D improves so many aspects of your health it's ridiculous. I had no idea until I did a crapton of research on it.

    After that, I founded and ran a vitamin D company πŸ˜‹πŸ˜Š
  • 1
    Wow! that was an amazing response, thank you devrant :)
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