An actual text from my CS Human-Machine Interfaces book:

"How do users react when a vending machine "eats" their money and doesn't give the product? Most likely, they will kick the machine in hopes of it returning him the money. Therefore, if we build a machine which has a "Cancel" button which returns the money in the lower part of the machine (the "kick zone") we would be improving the usability of the system a lot'

1st reaction: Wait, what the fuck?
2nd reaction: It ain't stupid if it works, I can't argue with that 🤔

  • 2
    The only problem is that you are learning people to kick your machine. So you gotta build it stronger :p wich is more expensive.
  • 0
    I recently had a vending machine eat my money at a hospital. It was a machine to pay the parking costs. I'd say the best way to go about it would be:
    A: a button that would just return the damn money
    B: a button that would actually connect to some kind od service center and return a help ticket so you don't have to prove that YOU lost those 5€ by going through security tapes.
    C: maybe return the money by default if the transaction failed...
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