
Why is it that whenever somebody looks over my shoulder at my screen when I'm programming, I mentally degrade to a 6 year old and can barely type???

  • 7
  • 4
    You're scared of being a bad programmer. Don't be scared. Be a good programmer.
  • 4
    i usually turn around and point my imaginary shotgun at the person trying to look over my shoulder and then return to coding
  • 3
    I know right?! I cannot type for the life of me if someone is watching. Thank God I'm not the only one 😆
  • 2
    I'm in the same boat and I think @qbasic16 is right. We're just afraid of being judged.

    Or maybe we tend naturally to privacy (I'm also for this one).
  • 1
    Always happens to me
  • 2
    I just hate people being closely behind me. I always imagine them strangeling or stabbing me or killing me somehow else.
    So I loose all focus just by imagining my last moments.
  • 7
    "My concentration suffers greatly when I'm observed"
  • 2
    Cuz insecurities
  • 1
    @vringar haha what? That's like next level paranoia right there my man 😂
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