
Dear Apple, why not make Swift good instead of a piece of shit? Just a thought.

  • 1
    I played Swift in linux.
    imho, The thing I hate the most is that I have to type parameter name every time I have to pass an argument.
    but I think is not that bad lang.
    Why is bad in ur opinion?
  • 2
    @CSaratakij It's just their design decisions that irk me the most. They try to make it SO explicit that it ends up making it so fugly. It's just all the little things that add up. Things like you have to put "_ =" when calling a function with a return value you don't need, and don't get me started on its exception syntax. And the forced parameter names is another example. Honestly so many things I can't adequately put them all here. But you can bet I will be ranting about them now that I've discovered devRant! :)
  • 0
    @devios1 do it!
    I've been wanting to hear more about swift.
    At the moment, I'm in the dark about it.
  • 1
    @devios1 u right about _ =
    doesn't make sense for me either xD.
    Welcome to devRant ;)
  • 1
    Another one: The fact that Swift forces you to make switch statements exhaustive, which basically amounts to forcing you to write "default: break" at the end of every single switch statement that doesn't otherwise need a default case.
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