I work in a computer repair shop. A COMPUTER repair shop. And every day, I get asked "Do you repair phone screens?" No. No, I do not. Stop asking!

  • 9
    I mean phones are computers after all.. but I feel your rage, could make a sign or something
  • 5
    The biggest issue is that Google comes up with my shop as one of the top 3 places in my area that does phone repair, so Google is partly to blame.
  • 0
    @RiderExMachina oh damn that's bad.. then I guess they're the only ones to blame
  • 14
    or you could start repairing smartphone screens because of high demand?
  • 2
    Just print out some text:


    and hang it where they can see it.
  • 1
    I've asked; it's not viable for us. By the time the screen would be ordered and arrive, most customers would have replaced the phone or screen through some other means.

    I laughed. Unfortunately most of the people who ask call in, so a sign wouldn't be beneficial
  • 1
    @RiderExMachina lol then put one of those messages with choice that you hear at the beginning when you call people and says something like '' hello, you have reached ____ shope if you are calling concerning your mobile phones screen then please press the red button, if it is concerning a computer then you will be redirected to the appropriate person in a moment... "
  • 1
    Or you can put caller tune like "Welcome to xyz company, we do not repair smartphone's screens... I repeat we DO NOT repair smartphone's screens."
  • 2
    So where am I supposed to repair my phone's screen now 😒
  • 0
    question, how do you see the future of computer repairshops in an age of glued together components and systems on chip?
  • 1
    We're moving to be less hardware repair and more software repair. We do replace hard drives and other components if need be, but most of our business is removing malware from people's computers and updating essential software (FF, Chrome, Flash, etc)
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