
PrestaShop irony:
* Theirs modules have >3500 lines per class (eg. blocklayered.php)
* Theirs controllers have > 5000 lines and contains a LOT of html code inside

AND when I tried to add own module to theirs addons store they declined it because:
* I had unused $key var in foreach and this is "bad practice" as I was told

* In one hook I was returning 1 line of html code (i had to add global Js var) and they told me that I should put it into separate template file


  • 0
    Pr a revert on their files using the same reasons where applicable and when they decline, comment "an uncaught RecursionException was thrown." :p
  • 0
    You should look into thirty bees, it is a fork of prestashop that is a whole lot less restrictive.
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