
Give me one solid reason why I should switch to emacs from vim

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    Use what you are comfortable with and can be most productive in.
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    Nano FTW
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    Emacs is better at customization.
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    None. I use vim, but I would like to know emacs. So if I have to use it, I can.
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    @tpalmerstudios I did try emacs with evil mode, it took me about 3 weeks to set everything up the way I was using in vim, but it ain't that hard. Don't really know about pure emacs though!
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    @mannyCalavera If you are taking plugin support, Vim has waaay more plugins than emacs.
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    @meain the fact that Emacs is an editor written in Lisp while Vi(m) is an editor with a macro language makes it easier for Emacs adopters to develop plugins/packages/write custom commands etc. Especially now that Emacs has a package manager.
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    @mannyCalavera Yeah, elisp is pretty awesome! Got to agree on that.
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