An acquaintance (also a CS student) just called C#, c hashtag ಠ_ಠ

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    This must be the best thing I have ever read Ahahah
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    They better teach F hashtag, Cxx are just lame 😝
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    times are changing, my friend. times are changing.
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    Hey you found 1 of the cool kids
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    I'm still bitter they didn't keep the code name for C#: Cool. It was short for C-like Object Oriented Language
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    Well..ur friend must not be seeing sharp.

    I apologise for this stale pun. I'll leave devrant tmrrow.
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    @JonStodle was that the code name? It's cool!
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    @Pokeforbuff please stay and do more of this!
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    @JonStodle Well it's better than JOOL, which would have been more accurate. 😉

    Tbh I think C# is a clever name. And the hashtag (I mean sharp sign) even kinda looks like two ++'s on top of each other so it's kinda like C++++.
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    I used to call it C hash and still somehow managed to write an android game in it in unity3d 😂
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    @devios1 one of the two stories I've heard about the hash says that's the inspiration. As C++ was a step up from C, C# is a step up from C++, hence 4 pluses.
    The other story is that they chose # because it's used to denote a musical note that is a step higher on the musical scale.
    The last one feels most likely as # is called 'sharp' in musical notation.
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    Reminds me of students writing C:

    "Just hashtag include STDIO dot H"
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