
Fully upgraded wordpress for my blog (just not interested writing my own ) with security patches and got hacked... all index files in first level directories replaced. Will find the time to make my own and migrate all posts because "wordpress is awesome"

  • 2
    WordPress is fine, plugins are not.
  • 1
    Backup often. Had a scary plugin issue.
  • 0
    @Paradigm i use the bare minimum. Spam filters and code renderer and they auto update.
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    @mraiur auto update doesn't necessarily mean the code isn't vulnerable. If the developer of the plugin doesn't audit there code auto updating a plugin is useless.
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    @Paradigm that is why i have to write my own blog 😎
  • 2
    have you considered flat file blogs? Ive heard Hugo( in go lang ) is really great.
    Jekyll if youre fine with github pages else i have heard some about grav (which is in PHP). :)
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