
Some good piece of advice:
URLs are UI

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    @Letmecode I totally get your point, but Scott gets a pass from me on that one. He will raise the tough questions but usually in a way which tries to bring people with him rather than bludgeoning them into agreeing his is the only right way.

    I strongly agree with you on the pretension of our industry though. I sometimes wonder with so many bloody conferences and hackathons how anyone gets any feckin' work done!! And how anyone is meant to build on anything when it's all updated every 17 minutes with new or breaking features!!

    Sorry for going off on a tangent...
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    @Letmecode I do not mind at all when someone takes the time to think deeply about a subject that others may just shrug off or neglect, especially when that subject involves usability. I don't consider this pretentious at all. He's clearly put a lot of thought into it, and yeah it's a whole blog post about URL formatting, but Scott is a smart guy and loves code. I think we owe him a little bit more respect than that, imho, even if he is a Microsoft guy. ;)
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