Definition of Linux users...

  • 13
    Holy crap, Windows 7 came out in 2009... I feel old.
    Vista was 2006 so that's fair game, linux guys. Fair warning - windows people hated vista too.
  • 6
    @jckimble @jpichardo @matsaki95 @Linux and everyone else I forgot 😅
  • 8
    But I liked VIsta and Windows 8/8.1 ... Am I the only one? 😦
  • 3
    @matsaki95 Ah thanks for reminding of the windows 10 software features 😄
  • 13
    @linuxxx spyware features* DAMN AUTOCORRECT
  • 9
    @matsaki95 Well, Linux enthusiasts get to be salty with Windows. Half of the news on Linux related sites I used to visit contained news irrelevant with Linux and had to do with Microsoft. Linux enthusiasts try to spread their OS evangelion too much sometimes that they become obnoxious.
  • 4
    @Qaldim Also the other way around though, I know too damn many windows fanboys myself 😡
  • 6
    @linuxxx I tend to ignore the fanboys from either side, but there is a dose of truth in both of them (Linux & Windows fans).
  • 2
    @Qaldim Don't get me wrong, I know there's fanboys from all sides!
  • 4
    @Qaldim Don't forget they can be like vegans at times as well; making it a point to let you know they use Linux, even if it wasn't asked or is irrelevant to the conversation.
  • 8
    @jhh2450 I know that quite well, but sometimes I get caught unaware. I was in a wedding last summer, a good friend from highschool was getting married. He's a dev too and he likes FOSS a lot! I didn't have a car to go the church, so he gave me a ride. When we reached our destination, he had to put some things in his trunk, where I saw a very nice and fancy Ubuntu backpack (I must admit I like the aesthetics of Linux in general). I commented how nice his bag was and he started talking to me about Linux and FOSS and how it doesn't spy like Windows, the usual stuff. That was until I asked him about the search engine and e-mail provider he uses and he came up with "Google" of all things. I politely reminded him about the aggressive data gathering Google does and he hasn't mentioned to me about Linux again (he has tried to speak about Linux to the rest of the gang though, but they were indifferent).
  • 0
    I'm not salty at all, I sue Linux and maybe, you'll join us :)
  • 3
    @Orionss Oh like it a lot, and use it a lot. It's just some of the users are aggressively passionate about it, and that's annoying asf at times. But i guess you'll have to deal with people like that in every profession.
  • 4
    Because it is true @Microsoft
  • 4
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    @fun2code look at the comments above your comment!
  • 2
    Good, reminisce! Linux users, take the chance to reinforce your position! Tap into the nostalgia to create more dissatisfaction.
  • 3
    It's called elitism, and it's a cancer of this industry.
  • 1
    It is the newer versions that bothers me, loved the old ones
  • 2
    sudo pacman -Rsn windows
  • 4
    The moment you got a problem with software on Windows there are going to be Linux users who point out it's a issue with your OS rather than the software you got the problem with.

  • 3
    @Qaldim @jhh2450 @Dargmuesli tbh honest I'm tired of people saying we behave like some damn 1337 who feel Superior, we don't feel Superior, we are Superior, haha, I don't know consider my self a Linux evangelst I do love it, but if you want an easy life and just be comfortable and without knowing what is really happening in your computer go ahead, use windows, or even better use Mac, so ...
  • 1
    Sometimes there are reasons why you (have to) use an OS.
  • 4
    @Dargmuesli agree, Mac when u wanna look cool, windows when u are a lazy son of a gun, linux when you like to suffer
  • 2
    @jpichardo since I started using linux I feel comfortable and have easier life and I feel like I was lied to for my entire windows life. Rip my windows life
  • 0
    @anicka-burova yeah, same for me, Linux has helped me learn a lot of stuff, and now that I use windows is like what the hell with this folder structure, why doesn't sudo work
  • 1
    @jpichardo oh, sorry to hear you need to use windows. I hope you get over that ailment soon and feel ok again.
  • 1
    @jpichardo Thanks for proving my point! 😀 "My oh so perfect Linux is the best thing to ever touch this Earth!" 🤦
  • 1
    @anicka-burova yeah I have for work, my boss has a windows server, but we are migrating to CentOS, so happiness is on the way
  • 1
    @jhh2450 I never said that, Linux is far from perfect, but it's easier to improve and customize which lays the possibility of each install being perfect for it's owner
  • 3
    @jpichardo I honestly don't give two shits what OS people prefer, but for the love of God stop being an asshole about it. Every OS has it's strengths and weaknesses, and none are perfect. But I repeat, please stop being an asshole about it.
  • 1
    @jhh2450 so I am being an asshole, especially after I said I don't give a crap about what u use and I stated my reasons? Interesting
  • 4
    @jpichardo When did I say you felt/were superior? I simply pointed out that overzealous Linux users can get annoying sometimes, like overzealous Windows users. 😐
    Personally, I've started with Windows and MS-DOS, so I'm more comfortable with the specific OS than any other. It's no better nor worse than others OSes.
  • 1
    @Qaldim haha I just tagged everyone using Linux so sorry 😝😝
  • 1
    @jpichardo I never directly said you in specific, rather the people who are obnoxious about whatever product they use.
  • 1
    @jhh2450 so far it was only you insulting @jpichardo (in respect of who is asshole). And for "I dont give two shits what OS ppl prefer" you do comment too often in respect to his opinion ;)
  • 2
    @jhh2450 ohh ok, no problem there, yeah I had a friend, the one who lead me to Linux, he lived out of criticizing other people, because they didn't use Linux, because they didn't use his language, because they didn't use vim, it got to a point I didn't want to hang with him
  • 1
    @jpichardo Yea sorry if I came off hostile towards you. 😂 I'm just really pissed off today.

    But there's those types of people everywhere for everything. I've seen people like that ranging from things like iPhones to your browser preference.
  • 2
    @jhh2450 DW I'm angry too, Linux fault 😝😝, yeah tbh I do criticize the use of iE and nano for Linux users 😝, but yeah it can be really bothering when people have a closed mind
  • 1
    @jpichardo Well ofc! You have to criticize IE users; what is this 2006? 😂😂 I'll try almost anything out once or twice, because you never know what you'll end up liking. I learned that lesson long long ago.
  • 1
    Micreoshite - were scared of the future so we're selling Ubuntu let's go!
    Whoops I'm a stereotype
  • 0
    @jhh2450 hahaha yeah I try to do the same
  • 1
    @anicka-burova damn, u went further than me, thanks, btw @linuxxx @matsaky95 @mrtlndr @edwiuxaz and a some others, and me we are in a chat group for Foss / Linux / privacy lovers, you are welcome to join if you want
  • 1
    @Qaldim high five pal!
  • 1
    @Qaldim Yeah, you most probably are the only one.
  • 3
    Is this thread still going? :/
  • 4
    @runfrodorun Out of curiosity, why aren't games and software availability a valid reason? Even though Linux has made leaps on both, it is still lacking compared to Windows and Mac.
  • 1
    @chadd17 yep! I will make sure that this thread will go even further!
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    I disagree, I'm not salty, just happy to have a (coughsuperiorcough) operating system that works for me!
  • 6
    Freedom of choice? Anyone?
    Ok im outta here!
  • 4
    @mohammed haha!

    *Making sure thread is continuing*
  • 6
    @mohammed There's a Holy OS War going on here and you're talking about freedom of choice?! HERESY!
  • 0
    @matsaki95 couldn't agree more lol
  • 2
    @Qaldim How do I join the war?
    Let me try:
    Ehm... Ehm....
    Wifi Dongle, Linux,
  • 1
    @mohammed ... printer...
  • 1
    Oh my god... xD it's even worse now
  • 0
    Inb4 Mac fanbois complain as to why their "superior" ecosystem isn't a buzz in this section
  • 2
    @Qaldim war would suggest, there are two or more, similar strength armies fighting, but honestly, linux is kicking windows and mac arses while shutting down!
  • 2
    @chadd17 *gun fire and explosions everywhere* Holy shit man! 😂
  • 3
    @runfrodorun So suddenly users allow "them" (I suppose big companies) play this game? Mac is expensive for an average user. And that has been what Linux lacks, the ability to approach the average non-technical user. If you can't approach them, you can't expect to gain the necessary mass for acceptance from corporations and so, you continue throwing users into Microsoft's embrace. But the topic is not about OSes themselves, but OS users, so if one thing is going on here is getting salty with each other. 🙂
    @anicka-burova Everyone's winning that war depending on the perspective... 😉

    EDIT: I forgot to add the word "play" on first sentence.
  • 0
    @nik123 What? It can't be!
    *goes super saiyan*
  • 3
    @runfrodorun Sorry I missed a whole comment! I generally agree about how Microsoft promoted software companies making products for Windows. It's not as much Linux lacks software, e.g. an office suite or an image editor, but how well do those products in compatibility with the mainstream programs. For example, LibreOffice opening/rendering MS Office documents and vice versa (it's been quite a while since I've checked, so things might have changed). LibreOffice team was putting the blame on Microsoft. WPS Office is another alternative that doesn't get this kind of issues. But that's what happens with industry de facto programs. On some Windows dominate (home use mainly), so the alternative on Linux might not be that good, but then again there might be some gems. On other areas Linux dominates and the Windows alternatives suck, but then again you might find some gems there too. (And I think I've derailed too much).
  • 0
    @Alt-Grrr Sabre-rattling or "You killed my father, prepare to die" ?
  • 3
    @runfrodorun I believe WYSIWYG editors are a good thing to exist, since not everyone is inclined in learning things like LaTeX. On another note, if someone visits your house, won't it be possible to access Facebook or have you set a separate network for visitors?
  • 2
    One is isn't better than the other they excel in different areas... Windows works best in office(gaming) for example finance office365 is a very solid solution. Mac is better for designers though they are starting to go into more and more offices. Linux runs everything that is online. Personally I use win for gaming or Adobe. Linux for Dev work. I can't Dev on Windows no cli. I know putty/bash shell(win 10) they both suck. Mac is to expensive atm I would use Mac only because it can run Adobe... I still have to figure out ovmf + qemu + kvm this would solve all my problems.
  • 3
    Carry on, please!!
  • 4
    @Microsoft let us make this thread great again!
  • 0
    I don't want to cause any heat, but the whole point of this thread is, windows funboys just can't stand linux power. We really just should move on, and let windowsers suffer.
  • 2
    @anicka-burova or it is the reverse?
  • 1
    @elonmusk either will do
  • 4
    @Microsoft What does the goddess require from her faithful servants? Secretly install Windows on unsuspecting Linux machines?
  • 0
    Could you elaborate, I love learning. And by the looks of it you know something I don't. Enlighten me
  • 0
    @Triskelion sometime image tells more than text! (Just saying) 😂
  • 0
    Funny thing about bsod is, they always claim it is a hardware error. So why fresh software os reinstall fixes it, is a mystery.
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