drunk me: "let's just code a bit right before going to bed!"
*codes and then goes to bed*
sober me: "when and what did i do here?"
also sober me: "how the hell does this work?!"

  • 18
    Usually followed by:
    "This is genius, but why does it work that way?"
  • 3
    This is me when I'm high and when I'm not high I'm like " oh shit.. this actually works.. cool I just don't know what I was trying to do exactly "
  • 2
    @TheDevil I can rely, I'm high as shit right now and coding in a language I didn't work with for years
  • 1
    @wildcard haha just don't forget commit (: *stayLifted*
  • 2
    @TheDevil I definitely won't, thanks for the reminder!
  • 2
    This is sometimes how I got through tedious computer labs. "This is not challenging enough but can I do it drunk?"
  • 2
    I don't have to be drunk to not understand what I was coding the previous night.
  • 2
    git checkout -b drunk

    Just in case 😂
  • 3
    Tell me about it
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