
Can we talk about this for a second? I mean WTF, how is Windows XP still a thing. Wasn't there a ransomeware attack recently, so every last sys admin should have some motivation to upgrade their shit?
Sure, I hear you say, it's just an information display. No critical stuff.
Well guess what, it was at an airport. Most likely not connected to any critical infrastructur, but still it's a computer, stuck at the boot screen at 11 a.m. running windows XP, connected to an airport network.
And I was standing there like: fuck me!

  • 3
    You know some people are fucking idiots! Leave them alone!
  • 7
    Fun fact windows XP was the least hit OS windows 7 was hit way way more
  • 1
    There's a security patch available for XP that most places would've installed.
  • 9
    Most ATMs still run XP
  • 1
    @inpothet with wanacry, yes. But still, I'm pretty sure, XP has a lot of vulnerabilities. I was more concerned about someone getting access to that machine, privilege escalation, owning a server on that network, jumping to another more sensitive network.
  • 1
    @Alt-Grrr hopefully
  • 1
    I don't know. A lot of software for use in embedded systems and displays were written for Windows XP. And if it's a closed network with no outside connection, why not.
  • 0
    US navy still runs XP
  • 1
    @wasim British navy apparently aswell
  • 0
    @rvnx the flights with numbers and destination they are arriving from are displayed on it, so I doubt, that it's an airgapped system
  • 0
    Also the dutch goverment ran Windows xp after it was out of support. Then they payed Microsoft to keep supporting it. Hopefully now days they they use newer versions..
  • 0
    @SHA-256 looks like its the only OS that's water resistant!
  • 0
    @rvnx Hackers can already infect air-gapped computers nowadays...
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