
Some of us have co-worker who never wrote comment in their code.

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    For the most part your code should document itself.
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    I'm the only one at work who writes comments in code. And my colleagues keep telling me not to... 😑
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    @jerodev tell them to fuck off...in your comments 😂
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    Actually comments can be bad smells. If you apply good modular understandability you shouldn't have to use them. (not gonna lie I like a good comment myself but recently learned about modular concepts)
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    I'm only commenting stuff like "// need to do this better later" or "// needs optimization" :)
    But sometimes when I write a line of code, have a look at it, and am just like "wtf is this" I comment in a few words what the line does so I don't kill myself. I end up having about 3 comments in 100 lines of code
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    @jerodev That's probably because your comments are unnecessary. Code should tell its own story in variable and function names that tell what the code does.
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    Write own code no comments. Read other people's code, write large amount of comments
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