In order to remain sane at the workplace, always give your 100%:

-- Monday: 23%
-- Tuesday: 17%
-- Wednesday: 26%
-- Thursday: 24%
-- Friday: 9%

  • 2
    can we make Friday 3% and move the rest to Tuesday so they feel more balanced
  • 1
    Tell me you don't know how percentages without telling me you don't know percentages work.
  • 3
    I guess you meant your 99%
  • 1
    ^ good life advice
  • 3
    Monday 23%? YOU CRAZY?!?!?!
  • 0
    @kamen Still better than going 100% every day no ? (Are we still adding percentages ?)
  • 0
    Watching a presentation on using AI to write code for us.
    Devs are buzzing over this. They love it.

    I feel like an odd one out. I’m not excited to use a tool that dumbs down my job (tho I admit some parts of it a bit dull).

    As soon as it’s good enough and the tipping point arrives, salaries will plummet before eventually someone realises that non-devs can just describe what they want directly without the devs doing it.
    Analyst/AI Jockey will be thing.

    If I was starting my career now I’d be wondering whether or not it’s better to move into something more physical at this point that AI can’t mimic for a while. Like bricklaying
  • 1
    @kamen work. Your comment is missing the word "work". Intentional mistake?
  • 0
    @gitstashio Not intentional. I realised I had to edit it like 10 minutes after posting, but nah, I can't edit it any more.
  • 1
    Whoa, that’s a lot on Monday.
  • 0
    @TrevorTheRat and Fk knows why the devRant app posted my rant as a comment to this one
  • 2
    @TrevorTheRat I like the chatGPT/deep ai

    But I use as it was designed: as a language model.

    I use him to easily translate or write better texts.

    I don't understand devs wanting it to write code
  • 0
    After taking into consideration the devs feedback I propose a better plan :

    - Monday : 3% ( still rebooting from the weekend's crash )
    - Tuesday : 6% ( getting in a work mode )
    - Wednesday : 24% ( get some real shit done )
    - Thursday : 6% ( turning the battery saver on )
    - Friday : since it's a special day we divide it into 2 :
    1. 3% ( doing anything else but updating prod )
    2. Freeeedom : the rest of it till it has something there =]

    Awaiting ur votes!
  • 0
    ... no chatGPT or any similar was used in the calcs...

    The HAL9000 HIMSELF calculated that, so take that too when deciding...
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