
The weird feeling you get when you ask a colleague what he recommends as unit testing framework for C# and his first response is: "What do you mean by 'unit testing'?"

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    I'm a third year student / junior dev and I still have no idea how to do unit tests.
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    @TheCapeGreek im a junior dev and was told by my company I will learn it when Im on a project, since its hard to do it right on something where nobody knows how to do it.

    We did get mocha, karma and laravels unit testing explained, but mostly theory.
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    Yeah I can only tell you what a unit test is. At my current job I'm the "lead" of myself and a classmate of mine both working at our company. Our code might not be the prettiest but the freedom of building something ourselves is pretty cool.
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    @TheCapeGreek its nice to start with but learning things is more difficult, when finding a new job the "lead" part is really nice but growth is a lot less.
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    @Codex404 I agree. There was a short period where I was considering pursuing something more full time and my manager (office sysadmin) said the same. Main reason I stuck around is because my boss lets me have a lax work schedule so I can go to class etc, and because I do some other non-dev IT work which I enjoy getting experience in.
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    @TheCapeGreek ah yeah if you are still in school that is fine, but after that I would leave within a year to work with seniors.
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    @Codex404 yep, that's the current plan. After I finish my Bachelor's degree next year. Will pretty much just do side projects in 2018.
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    Nunit ftw
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    @garciabm Yeah, I guess so. :)
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    @nin0x03 which one did you end up using?
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    @garciabm Nunit (and moq). Seemed the most widely used to me and I like the possibility to add parameters to the tests.
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