Smell the lies and too much process. Learn how to smell it and stay the same. It's the best also look over political correctness

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    Political correctness is bull shit.
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    Political correctness of often billed as "professionalism" these days -- note the sneer quotes.
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    Yeah guys. Like fake politeness I rather bear pure hate :D but that's too much fire I just like to express stuff , I mean when it's right time. And by having the sense for this you can avoid some bulllcrap
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    @arcadesdude Professionalism !== being a silent little sheep.

    Say some dumb shit that I disagree with, and I'll call you out. (This mentality is why I'm avoiding political and religion based classes at college.)
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    @jhh2450 agree completely (that why it is in quotes, meaning to intend the opposite of what it is). Some will claim professionalism but really just be bsing everyone and calling that crap being professional. I too call them out on it 100% as it is unproductive as well as just bad manners.
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    @arcadesdude It's kinda ironic; I'm rather shy and keep to myself. But I'll call you out if it's necessary.
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    @jhh2450 Same. Have to pick your battles but if you're going to fight, win!
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    @arcadesdude I don't lose! 😎 My AP Gov class loved me last year. I'd always argue with people who said stupid shit. And usually win. I make sure to know what I'm talking about before jumping in.
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