It amazes me how quickly give out their passwords. I ask for a person's user name and I swear at least 75% of the time they give me their password too!

  • 0
    You could have a God tier cyber security for your company, and some dumb shit could ruin it in all of 19 seconds.
  • 1
    What's worse is I have seen support people reply to emails where the user had supplied their password, AND THEY DIDN'T DELETE IT!
  • 4
    Hahahha I don't think you are serious... People is not THAT stupid to give their security data that easy

    Greate post

    Mail: Nick@gmail.com
    Pass: Password01
    Bank pin: 3348
  • 0
    @jhh2450 ah human error the one thing you can't patch
  • 0
    @Gobbas And what's worse than human error? Human ignorance. Definitely no patch for that
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