
Not Dev, but definately rant!

Fuck this new nanny political correct bullshit society!
Fuck micro-aggression, fuck safe spaces, fuck overly sensitive bullshit people who can't deal with any kind of difference of opinion.
If you can't handle other people go lock yourself in a fucking coffin and leave the moderatelly sane people the fuck alone.

*sigh* So, now that that's out of the way, can we please agree on some way to deal with these fuckers without putting an axe in their central nervous system?
How do you respond to this bullshit?

  • 7
    Well said!! Take allllll my ++'s if I could give them. 👌🏼
  • 6
    Counter-rant: Not everybody telling you to shut up is a snowflake, friend. Some people actually give a shit about other people.

    You can say whatever you want, but sprinkling the word faggot liberally in your work chat makes you an asshole at the least, and at best you'll get what you deserve as retribution.
  • 2
    "Oh, I didn't mean to upset you! I was using the benign meaning of 'edgelord neckbeard fedora virgin'!"
  • 1
    How i respond?

    The primary places for that stuff are
    * campuses
    * the internet

    I finished university years ago and browser tabs can be closed. And since I'm not a person if public interest, i won't lose my career if i say a wrong word.

    I respond by being indifferent.
  • 1
    You read my mind dude. Amazing rant. I feel the same way. Thank you. 👍👍
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