So I've started learning Rust and I must say it feels great! But some parts of the language, like enums, are quite different than what I'm used to.
As a proof of concept I've reimplemented a small API (an Azure Function App) in Rust with Actix Web and it's FAST AS FUCK BOIII.
The response is served about 5x as quckly and the memory footprint shrinked from some 90 MB to around 5 MB.
In my small scale usecase it's not a huge difference, but I think it can be massive at large scales...
What is your experience with Rust (at scale)?

I wish I could quickly reimplement the whole fucking CMS Of Doom™ in Rust... but no time and resources :(

  • 9
    Somehow, I expected the post *not* to end with "lets reimplement it in rust"
  • 2
    @magicMirror no one is immune to the allure of Rust
  • 4
    I love fat enums and pattern matching, if any other procedural language I know added support for them it'd instantly become my second favourite.
  • 3
    For a CMS I usually don't even like Go definitely not Rust. PHP is fine as long as it's decent code; that is not the clusterfuck you rant about.

    This goes out of the window of course if the problems are not synchronous by nature. Lots of networking (like uploads/downloads). Or load is huge even with a CDN + entity cache. Then I would use Go, Kotlin and C# can also work. If it's highly memory intensive Rust is a godsend. Also like it for super high volume, and it's just about the only solution when you need real time stuff.

    Of course do your thing use the tool that you feel suits your case. Dev experience is also important. The enums in Rust are fucking brilliant!!! I find Rust just a bit too verbose and strict for a lot of the work I do.
  • 1
    @lorentz whats a fat enum anyway?
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