Every company HR department in the 90s: "Don't talk about any sexual topic at work. It could be construed or misconstrued as sexual harassment. Keep all communications business-focused only."

Every company HR department now: "Here's a 20-page PowerPoint describing where diverse individuals of a kaleidoscope of gender spectrums put their genitals in the privacy of their own bedrooms...or out in the street in parades...or, just wherever. Don't like it? We'll be discussing your departure from the company soon."

  • 15
    Here is comes!

  • 10
    Yeah, this shit went wrong as frontend development. Horribly
  • 3
    This happens when some generations grow up too easy and get into HR and lower management positions.
  • 4
    Give em time. They didn't get that gender is an obsolete concept from a past where well-defined social roles like woman and man where important for the survival of humankind. They will eventually get, that sex isn't gender and that strict gender categories aren't neccessary anymore.
  • 5
    @ostream nah, it's just the media who likes us to see fighting. It's pure poralisation. They're sick. I don't read news anymore
  • 5
    @retoor This, honestly.
  • 8
    Weird shift from trying to treat everyone as programmers to making a big deal out of gender. I thought we were passed that, especially here in Sweden were we have hade good gender equality for a long time. Starting to talk more about gender makes it feel like a step back.
  • 1
    But to add to my previous post (that hopefully showed I'm not a woke warrior) I think you're mixing sexuality and gender.

    It's possible that the office memo is careful who to call man or woman. (gender) Without mentioning a single thing about who's straight, gay or bi. (sexuality)
  • 8
    Mark my words, it won't take long and you can't even call Apple users dumb without being taken to HR.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop I think the words were "She has an enlarged Adam's apple. I think she is a dude."
  • 3
    We’ve gone from “Remember, guys…if she has an apple she also has a banana” jokes at work to “Did you just misgender me?! HR!!!”
  • 5
    Someone at work has a profile background that says “Oh me oh my, I’m not a Girl nor a Guy!”

    And I cringe every time I see it.
  • 4
    @Root Troublesome snowflake sensors dialed up to 11 right there.
  • 4
    I think these days companies try too hard showing off their inclusivity rather than actually making real change in day to day operations or making employees life easier by a bit.

    It can be quite simple In my opinion.

    Don't make anyone feel uncomfortable talking about non work things.
    Respect their pronouns.

    Its tricky to get into the whole pronouns habit I know I have felt that many times but Its the times we live in today.
  • 3
    @rjcrystal i don't do the pronouns. Already too crazy for me
  • 4
    @rjcrystal I will not participate in someone else’s delusions. I won’t participate in forced speech. Sorry, but that’s my own line I choose not to cross.
  • 2
    @Root I've met one real non binary and that was in a mental hospital. She belonged there btw. Huge identity crisis and suffering from that. Not something to put on fb wall
  • 4
    @Root Given how fucked-up traditional men and women roles are, i definitely see why they don't want to be either. I am a heterosexual male but don't fit the classic role categories either. It is about time to completely abolish genders as a means to socially categorize humans.
  • 3
    @rjcrystal @retoor "they" is the only pronoun you will ever need to address everyone correctly. It is gender agnostic and therefore always correct. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
  • 2
    @Oktokolo no, you're confused regarding this. They is not OK IMHO
  • 2
    @Oktokolo the singular they is just a syntax error. See screenshot. I got this text from the page you mentioned
  • 3
    @Oktokolo We already have the correct gender neutral pronoun for singular: "it". No reason to abuse plural "they".

    Ooohhh, but "it" is also used for things, right? Well, newsflash: so is "they" for several things.
  • 3
    @retoor Pandering to ever crazier shit will only generate even more of that because the point is attention whoring, and once shit is accepted, you can't use it for that anymore and have to dial up the crap.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop "It" states the gender being null, while the singular "they" states nothing about the gender.
  • 3
    @Oktokolo "Singular they" is already BS.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop hehe, you got downvoted. Sensitive subject
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop Nah, but some just don't get the semantic difference between something that is known to not exist and something that is not known.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop 'you' is already a grammatical plural. All we need is to use 'we' in place of 'I' and there's no need for singular pronouns.

    We will feel great, should this happen.
  • 2
    Forced speech is forced lying.
  • 2
    If this is too much I will delete it. Saw this meme picture and thought of this.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop if the HR Person is a apple Fanoy/girl, you have no chance of even trying.
  • 0
    @max19931 Yeah, but that would actually drive my point home. ^^
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