Maybe some of you guys can help me out with this.

I'm having trouble using GitHub for Unity with a repository that I have associated with an organisation.
In GitKraken I have to authorise the app for it to be usable with the repository, but I can't seem to find any simple way to do this with GitHub for Unity.

Anyone else here who's had the same issue, and knows a fix?

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    Not all clients connect direct, it might just use the ssh key.
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    @nblackburn that's not much of a help
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    @ElectricCoffee I am aware but that is about as much as i can say not having used it.

    Having said that, it's currently the most helpful answer you have so...
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    First of all you need to be sure youre using SSH as your method for the connection.

    Second of all the organization owner has to give exclusive permissions to GitKraken for it to fully do its thing. Had this issue a month or two ago too and he got it resolved by adding the permissions.
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    @corjaantje GitHub for Unity only uses Https
    And the very same repository with no modifications works fine with GitKraken via Https
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