!rant but nightly thoughts about wrecking clients that won't pay

If you're building something for a client for money, think of a killswitch.

If it requires internet anyway and you have a webserver, do something similar to what the killswitch of WannaCrypt was (but rather checking for a file on the webserver for existing/non-existing). If the client won't pay, kill the application. If the client pays, maybe even deliver a version without killswitch later (as a "bugfix")

If it is some offline project, you can check for a date (payment due date?) and also check for date/time manipulation on the system itself, and disable the killswitch via a "bugfix" version later just like above.

If clients pay, they don't have trouble. Else, they do.

  • 3
    How can you be 15yo if you are born in 2017?
  • 1
    How do you obfuscate it if it's not compiled?
  • 0
    @CozyPlanes Epic fail lmao. Thanks! I should stop typing anything at night ;-;
  • 2
    @620hun By making it look different through variable names, etc.?
  • 7
    I did that for a while, then a client did not pay and their website stopped working. They sent me an email to "fix it today" on a Sunday.

    Nothing to fix when the webroot is empty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    They later threatened to sue me, so I told my lawyer to send them an invoice for how much it will cost them.
    Suddenly, they were able to pay.
  • 2
    @DLMousey http://jsnice.org though
  • 2
    @Wack Clients are too dumb to know this site
  • 4
    @filthyranter true,but even if they'd know it, they still wouldn't understand it :P
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