The year was 2021 and we have to implement X
Alice, the manager: let's do this and this
Me: actually that won't scale, I did the same in my previous company. Here's an analysis on why it doesn't scale
Alice: nope, we'll have to do it like that. If it doesn't scale we'll fix it. It's a learning opportunity.
The feature was rolled out, and we got tons of alerts after 1 week.
Alice: haha what a ride! At least the team learned something new
Me: I didn't learn anything new. All I got was stress and disrupted sleep because of those midnight incidents...

Then 2022 came, Alice was promoted thanks to the incredible leadership to deliver X, I joined a different project, a part of this project is to implement Y, similar to X.
Bob, the manager: let's do this and this
Me: actually that won't scale, I did the same in my previous project. Here's an analysis on why it doesn't scale, you can ask Alice if you want.
Bob: nope, we'll have to do it like that. If it doesn't scale we'll fix it. It's a learning opportunity.
The feature was rolled out, and we got tons of alerts after 1 week.
Bob: haha what a ride! At least the team learned something new
Me: I didn't learn anything new. All I got was stress and disrupted sleep because of those midnight incidents...

It's 2023 now, Bob got promoted thanks to the awesome leadership to roll out Y, I joined another project, which requires us to develop Z, similar to X and Y.
Chris, the manager: let's do this and this
Me: ah shit here we go again...

  • 13

    Failing upwards. Maybe you should stop fixing the problem, and fail upwards as well?
  • 6
    So, Alice transitioned to Bob?
  • 4
    Nah. It was Eve all along - doing her thing 😈.
  • 4
    @jestdotty it's usually a lack of communication and respect.

    Management trusts Alice / Bob etc. more and disrespects the opinion of developers...

    ... If the developers have a chance to communicate at all with management.

    Many companies have a hierarchy designed to explicitly prevent the communication of "down" to "up".

    Imho a grave mistake, cause that gives people like Alice and Bob the "l'etat c'est moi" ability… and their employees are unable to stage a much needed uprising.

    Alice and Bob get rewards for incompetence, their employees suffer the consequences of their bad decisions.
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