Last week, someone contacted me, he said he needed me to fix the existing code on a new WordPress website because the developer did a messy job, so I thought to myself, it can't be that bad, requested for the SSH access and got into the server.




I was wrong, some people really know how to fuck shit up.

I don't want to go into details but there were legit more than 50 plugins installed and activated on the website for no good reason and all the pages took about 45 minutes each to render if not more, so you can literally request a new page, start making coffee and use the washing machine and if you are lucky to have spent 45 minutes, return to a fully loaded page.

For a new WordPress website, it seemed really old.

It was almost as if this developer had a line of code that looked like this:

@Import 'all the bad programming practices ever and the ones yet to be invented';

  • 13
    From all the rants here I've come to the conclusion that Wordpress is shite.
    ...and it written in PHP so...
  • 8
    i cringe at the word wordpress here, although i am yet to see any wordpress site not be bloatware.

    PHP on the other hand is just well know for stupid people making horribly bad decisions, although if you were to move those people to another language, i’d bet money the same bad decisions would be made.
  • 8
    I'm PHP and I find this very offensive @Froot
  • 1
    Im new to all this, so ill just pretend I know what your talking about.
    Wooow, no way, what did he think about while he was making that site? I bet he was inexperienced probably, or just lazy, I guess...
    Please don't offend, im just trying to be helpful
  • 1
    @C0D4 My rule is that if you need more than 12 plugins it's time for something custom. Right now my site is doing great with just 7plugins (seo, html cache, redis cache, recapctha, 2factor, etc) works great. But honestly I log onto some WordPress site and instantly think "wtf where they thinking? It would have been cheaper for them to go custom"
  • 1
    if your website is the one on your profile then at a glance it’s a minimal wordpress site running bootstrap.

    I can live with that, it’s being used as a blog / portfolio / info site with a low footprint.

    things tend to get ugly when you strap woocommerce on top and one of thousands of 1 click install themes with plug-in hell dependencies and those plugins start injecting random code blocks into any old location through the site.
  • 4
    @froot Get out of your buble, it's not 1998 anymore, plzzz
  • 1
    Only one question... Are you George Lucas?
  • 1
    Never, ever underestimate how much another programmer can fk shit up... especially when it comes to Wordpress. I totally believe you, I've seen my own fair share of the Wordpress Plugin Horror Show, and man. Do they stack up and screw each other so badly, even removing it leaves some sort of weird residue files in the server.

    By the way, PHP isn't inherently a bad language, just that a lot of bad code was written in it.
  • 1
    45 minutes? Is he loading entire internet ? Dafuq is this ...
  • 1
    @Castillo @Froot Me too I FUCKING LOVE PHP 😭
  • 2
    For me, PHP was the first server side language I ever learnt. It brings me to tears when people start talking about her this way..
    PHP, you are a good language, these people don't know you.
    They don't.
  • 1
    @Castillo *joins the sobbing*
  • 0
    I extend my most sincere apologies. Was just pointing out a fact 😄
  • 0
    @C0D4 it is indeed, although when it comes to commerce I really think that people have to stop using WordPress as a one stop shop. It was never originally intended for that. It was made for blogs and normal basic websites along with stuff like news websites. No e-commerce, not forums and definitely nothing real time.
  • 0
    @xenonth So WordPress being written in PHP is an opinion not a fact? What is your opinion on what WordPress is written in then? Latin? 😄
  • 0
    Omg this whole discussion about PHP is escalating very quickly, I'm glad I have just enough ++ to not be found here.

    *stays invisible because he can't be found*

    *BTW If you come in later and can't understand what I mean with this comment it's because someone gave me a ++, I'm on a 404 right now.

    I'm perfect.
  • 0
    @Castillo Next you'll be not allowed 😄

    But ye, it's gone way bigger than expected
  • 0
    @xenonth I think you read a little to deep into my comment. Perhaps you have some inner insecurities about PHP yourself.
    All I said was It's written in PHP so........... Blank, fill in your own meaning.
    You filled a negative one. That's not my problem 😄

    Also PHP is not a CMS. It's a language
  • 0
    @xenonth Why would I create another CMS? I also said "from all the rants here it seems". Anyway, I'm going to stop right here. I'm not interested in this he said she said game anymore. Let's just move on to better things. Peace!
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