I have this system that receives an image on Base64 or the URL (in that case the system makes an HTTP request and saves re response to disk). It works beautiful when I run the tests, it doesn't work at all in production (all the resulting files are corrupted). I don't know how to start to debug it so I'm going to bed and let my future self to resolve the issue.

  • 1
    Could it have something to do with URL encoding?
  • 0
    I had a similar(?) issue with a php script that forces a PDF to download instead of launch. The script downloaded the PDF but it was corrupted. I fixed it by simply putting the script in the same directory as the PDFs on the server. I didn't look into why as under pressure so I was working to FAF (fix and forget) protocol.
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    @dkomit I don't think so, because if I upload an image it also gets corrupted.

    @helloworld (nice nickname) I just copied the folder with the images to my machine using rsync and they are corrupted. The question is why they aren't corrupted in testing?

    When you don't have a clue: the worst kind of debugging.
  • 1
    In the end I had 2 different bugs that produce a pretty similar output! Yay!
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