Okay karma, why?!

I made some backup scripts, it should dump our MongoDB every 30 Minutes... Nope I didn't test if there's something in the tar and yes it's my fault but now we needed this backup AND THE ONLY BACKUP SCRIPT WHICH DIDN'T WORK WAS THE ONE WHICH BACKUPS THE DATABASE...


  • 4
    Karma is a bitch.
  • 8
    Backups that havn't been tested and verified should always be assumed to not exist.
  • 0
    It's my understanding that MongoDB isn't intended to be a primary datastore, and is more suited to caches.
    If that's the case, can you re-send the data from the authoritative data source?
  • 0
    @Fiftyseven we use it as primary data store. So no there's no way to get back the data.
  • 0
    @GamerFac3 If your data is worthless enough to be stored in mongo then losing it shouldn't be a big issue.
  • 0
    @ItsNotMyFault Why shouldn't we use it as database? In my understanding it is a database and it calls itself a database. Where is the reason to not use it as database?

    Furthermore we didn't have data loss because of the database, we had it because a developer failed.
  • 0
    @GamerFac3 MongoDB can lose data quite easily, it has become better in recent versions but i wouldn't trust it.

    Basically any write can be lost unless it has been ack:ed by a majority of nodes in the DB cluster (use write concern majority), anything else might be lost if the primary node goes down (even if it has claimed that the write was successful)

    Using the default write concern (Safe) your data is still in RAM when the DB claims a successful write, (fast yes, reliable, not at all)
  • 0
    @ItsNotMyFault that's new to me.. MongoDB I trusted you!!
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