
FYI, you get paid an average of 100k/year working for a business as a dev in switzerland. In india, you'll be looking at an average salary of 5-7k.

Which is less than what you earn in a month in switzerland.

We are so spoiled.

  • 15
    Yes and no, the costs of living are clearly not the same. It cannot be compared.
  • 3
    But at the end of the year from that 100K what is left from it? if anything less than 20K then that's a problem IMO
  • 5
    I've only been in Switzerland for 1 week and I had the opportunity to talk to some guys and girls there.
    Apparently you earn quite a bit of money but the cost of living is quite high too. If I recall correctly taxes are lowish but the overall cost of services and other goods is quite high. It definitely is worth it though.
  • 3
    Well imagine how much an average 1.5-room appartment costs in zurich per month: 1200 - 1600 CHF (~= $).
    A reasonable mobilephone contract is 40.-/mt, internet around 50-100.-/mt.
  • 7
    @Bresson @gitpush @Alt-Grrr @gjkf @qbasic16 In my case, my mother works in switzerland and lives near the border, in Germany. She pays german taxes (which are quite higher than swiss) but really doesn't have to spend much for living. I'm planning to do the same, because i am (like my parents) also a citizen of switzerland.

    But in the case that you live in switzerland, I agree that the cost of living is higher. But so is the quality of products.
  • 3
    @Alt-Grrr Ok, but London is afaik the most expensive city on earth. 😁
  • 4
    @qbasic16 With Brexit, not for long anymore! ;)
  • 3
    @Alt-Grrr Oh really? There goes my dream.
    I received a job offer in London for quite a bit of money since it would have been my first job ever. I declined it at the time but next year they said they would be happy to contact me again (next year I finish high school finally).
    Not that I really am hoping to receive that email but if that is the case, then I might reconsider it.
  • 1
    I am assuming you mean 7K USD. It is good amount of salary to earn in India for a college freshout. One can live comfortably.
    Room rent is 100-150 USD per month. Transportation is cheap 24 USD per month. Electronic gadgets are costly though.
  • 1
    Are you seriously comparing those two nations??
  • 1
    @Alt-Grrr London is stupidly expensive
  • 0
    @LinuxPauling Yeah, might have been too much of a large gap. But theres still the comparison with london that others are talking about.
  • 1
    @Xpenz Indeed it is. But still, every nation has a single win/cost rate with single and unique specs. But I get the point. Its not one nor other. What people usually does, as in my company, they have work contracts from other country and get transfered. I work on a french bank at Brazil. We have 3 directors who are from France, so they get the income of an European Company, but the lifecost of a South America Country. hahaha
  • 1
    @LinuxPauling Hehe, nice win, imagine that only that they work in india...
  • 0
  • 0
    Switzerland sounds like a country I would like. I've heard though that it is difficult to get a citizenship there. Is that correct and what are the requirements to move there? Are their plenty of well-paid dev jobs as the one you mentioned?
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