Yesterday I found a Fridge on Amazin which you plug into your USB Port. I really liked the product so I told my friend about it. Unfortunately she doesnt know shit about techπŸ˜‚. First I had to explain what a fucking USB Port is!!! A USB Port!After an hour of explaining she thought that the fridge is for cooling a USB Port. FMLπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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    I still have to explain the difference between an app and a file to my gf. Good give me patience πŸ˜…
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    I know @Letmecode will hate me for this but there are just way to much muggles out there @awelxtr
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    You will be surprised, there are people on this planet who don't care about knowing what a USB-Port is. Some care about families, some care about nature, some care about economy. We care about tech. Maybe other people laugh when somebody doesn't know snails are living on fucking trees too.

    You get my point?
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    Yeah but USB Port are something you see in your everyday life. Theres nothing special about them and everyone uses them. Even my Granma knows what a USB Port isπŸ˜‚@Divisionbyzero
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    @pascal-dev my grandma does not. πŸ˜‰
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    Grandmas don't have to know such things. The point is just that people who are confronted with such things nearly everywhere in their lifes and who were raised and matured with such things should at least know their fucking names. You get me? @Divisionbyzero
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    @pascal-dev I absolutely know what you mean, but our brain saves items on emotional interest. That's how it works.
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    Yeah unfortunately it's like that @Divisionbyzero
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    @pascal-dev I bet she won't be able to explain it to you tomorrow. πŸ˜…
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    Yeah she's normally pretty smart so I guess she would @Divisionbyzero
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