Is it weird to be one of those people who prefer to use open source software, but will use proprietary software if I have to?

Is there anyone else on devRant like this?!

  • 2
    Me too. I love GIMP to bits. I even use Notepad++.
  • 1
    Yeah, probably. It's weird to see the zealots on both sides, tbh
  • 1
    Like for the katakana tag.

  • 2
    I prefer open source but I will go with what the industry uses. The gimp example, it might be a good program but I'm not going to put time into learning it if Photoshop is what the market (job market that is) wants.
  • 0
    Why the Japanese though? Wish I could already read that ;-;
  • 1
    Pick the popular one, not the best one. Popularity means more support. Best one sometime means you need to support yourself. E.g. enterprise solution.
  • 0
    Is it wrong not to care what tools I use for work as long as they work and have adequate support if something goes bump in the code?
  • 1
    Personally, I just use what works better... I really don't care about open or closed source... If they made it, it's their choice to open source or close source it ๐Ÿ˜„
  • 1
    @Electrux I knew I'm not alone in really caring about the products design!
  • 2
    @Krokoklemme Transliterates a "Faito" (English consonants and Spanish verbs, no emphasis). Direct importation of the English "Fight!", used to declare one's intent to persevere or exhort someone else to.

  • 2
    Or in this case, start a discussion with emphasis ;)
  • 1
    Tbh it depends for me. If it's for personal use I'll use open source software but fuck closed source equivilants.
    For business use I try to use open source whenever I can, even if the closed equivilants are better but if the company requires the use of something then, although I still rather use OSS, I'll use it.
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