Use case for AI I haven't seen and would like to: New tech teacher / guide.

Example: I am using some stuff that uses twig internally (a PHP template engine), so I got curious and checked it out.
Looks cool and all, but if I wanted to do some simple PoC I thought it would take a lot of reading, searching and trying.
How cool would it be to have an AI that I could ask about doing something and it would teach me the necessary twig concepts I need, and as I keep exploring it remembers what it told me and builds on that to introduce the new concepts. It could check my code to see if I got it too.
Wouldn't it be nice? But now I put it into words I don't know exactly if it's possible. 👀 Wdyt?

  • 2
    nah, an example project based on pure vanilla PHP and Twig would be the perfect solution here. The Twig devs should provide such a thing to make it easy for everyone to just copypasta the boiler plate into their own wrapper or use it directly.
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    @Oktokolo What about more complex things like Angular?
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    @c3r38r170 Still an example project showing the features. Who else than the very maker of the beast would know best how to use it?
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    @Oktokolo Definitely. But instead of isolated and static examples you could start building your own project (that would begin as a PoC) already with coherence instead of trying to put together something usable from examples of each feature / pattern / part / class / whatever.
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    @c3r38r170 Sure, the example project may be an actual application. The important part is that it isn't poluted by other frameworks or "smart" code, uses the framework correctly and that it is as simple as possible while still showcasing all the useful features and options.
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    @Oktokolo If you have a whole example application, then the learner risks wasting time in stuff they don't need. The AI would do the "tree-shaking" telling you what you need to know for the use-case you ask.
    The AI would be trained for the purpose of teaching the tech, it wouldn't be a Copilot-like helper that gets the job done importing whatever. I imagined it as a side chat with access to read the code.
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    @c3r38r170 That would already exist if ChatGPT had more context memory - feed the framework in and ask it how to do stuff.
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    @Oktokolo But would it teach me?
    "Respond as if you were an expert trying to teach a newbie from now on..."
    But shouldn't we take out everything else that's not useful? Imagine I ask about twig and it starts ranting about sticks lol
  • 0
    @c3r38r170 Just tell it that you are talking about the PHP template engine Twig. It should know about it already.
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