Whatever was going on in the weekdays ... I forget about it right here, in my garden.

Have a nice weekend you all.

  • 1
    niceu grassu... btw what are/were those poles for?
  • 3
    @We3D those are for the railways electricy supply. Slow passing trains and low frequency, plus I love trains.
  • 3
    @evilskua Belgium, Luxemburg province, near the french border. We are planting stuff but not too much yet since inexperienced and need to read up more. Willing to turn it into a food forest relatively soon but takes more research in soil type and such
  • 1
    @NeatNerdPrime becomes even nicer ^.^ me love trains too
  • 2
    Beautiful. I would lay down a comforter under a nice and big tree and sleep like a dog
  • 2
    @asgs I have like 30 acres of land sure you can put your camper in. Just be mindful of the sheep and their excrements.... Best natural fertilizer there is.
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